All hands on deck as York UPC serves the community good food and great fellowship for one of our three annual dinners.
We are joyfully serving the Lord, and we would love for you to join us! Here are some of the programs and ministries God has called us to engage in.
Christmas and Easter Sharing- A ministry providing a full holiday dinner, gifts, and a seasonally appropriate shirt or sweater for individuals and families in the York area. Contact info can be found on our "Links and Resources" page.
Food Pantry- A community-supported food pantry, located in our church basement. Please see our "Links and Resources" page for contact info.
Backpack Outreach- For those schoolchildren who require lunch assistance on the weekdays, this program sends a backpack full of food for families to enjoy on the weekends.
Youth Group- Led by Pastor Michelle, our youth group is for ages 10 to 18, and meets about bi-monthly for Bible study, service projects, fellowship, games, and snacks!
Vacation Bible School- A fun summer activity for children 7th grade and under in our community and surrounding communities. A theme is picked each year and the children have fun learning about the Bible through interactive activities, bible study, and even snack time.
Camp Whitman on Seneca Lake- A church camp in the Finger Lakes that provides summer programing for grades 3 through 12, as well as adults with special needs.
Special Offerings- Collected in worship throughout the year, these offerings go towards such important causes.
Mission Trips- Always read to go where God may send us, we have worked in service not only locally, but also throughout our region. In recent years, we have cleaned up and rebuilt after Hurricane Sandy, we have worked in impoverished towns in West Virginia, and partnered in Children's Ministry with churches in urban Baltimore. In July 2022 we will be traveling to Lexington, Kentucky and working with Maxwell Street Mission Immersion Camp.
Book Club- A time of fellowship each month, where a group of ladies gather to discuss the assigned book.