Use of Church
Use of Church Policy
For the
York United Presbyterian Church
The York United Presbyterian Church's facilities are provided through God's generosity and by the support of church members. The church desires that its facilities be used for the fellowship of the Body of Christ and always to God's glory.
In our effort to benefit the community we serve, we make our facilities available to approved members, non-members, groups, and businesses as a witness to our faith and in the spirit of serving Jesus Christ.
The church Session is the final decision-maker on whether a person or group is allowed to use church facilities. The church may not in good conscience materially cooperate in activities or beliefs that are contradictory to its faith, nor may facilities be used in any way that contradicts its faith. This policy applies to all church facilities.
Approved Users and Priority of Use
1. Priority of use is granted to members of the church, their immediate families, and organized groups that are part of the ministry, organization, or sponsored activities of the church.
2. The Session must approve all used of church facilities.
3. The use of the Sanctuary for other than worship, worship preparation choir practice or congregational meetings will require Session and/or Pastor approval.
Facility Use Hours and Locations
1. Facilities are available between the hours of 9 am and 10 pm.
2. Facilities available for use include the kitchen, social hall, and restrooms. The use of the Sanctuary for other than worship, worship preparation choir practice or congregational meetings will require Session and/or Pastor approval.
3. No other planned activities will be held in the Church on the third Saturday of October (Harvest Dinner), third Saturday of April (Spring Dinner) or the third or fourth Thursday in June (Strawberry Social).
General Use Guidelines
1. A schedule calendar, including regularly scheduled meetings, will be maintained by the Administrative Assistant and/or Pastor. Inquiries regarding availability can be made by calling 585-243-1266 or emailing
2. No alcohol may be served in church facilities or grounds.
3. No smoking is allowed in church facilities or grounds.
4. Abusive or foul language, violent behavior, and drug or alcohol abuse are strictly prohibited while using church facilities. Persons exhibiting such behavior will be asked to leave the premises.
5. The heat will be set for groups using the church on a regular basis. If there is any change in the meeting times, please notify the church so other arrangements can be made.
6. The church should be locked when vacant. Individuals and groups are expected to open the church as well as lock it when exiting. Church members may request a key.
7. The church should be left in a “ready to use” condition.
a. Garbage should be carried to the dumpster in the southwest corner of the parking lot.
b. Basic cleaning supplies can be found in the basement level of the back entrance and should be used as needed.
c. Chairs and tables should be returned to their original state.
8. Members may use the church for individual musical practice, but they must respect scheduled activities. Paid lessons are not allowed.
9. Users are encouraged to use plates, utensils, and glassware found in the kitchen cupboards instead of “throw-away” materials. The cupboards are labeled with contents.
10. Church organizations can use church facilities for dinners for outside groups on a first come basis by clearing the date for use of the church. Facilities are to be left clean and this is to be understood at time of request.
11. There will be no parking on the west side of the street in front of the church during worship as it is a hazard when exiting on to the highway. There should be no parking in the north driveway.
12. The church will not sponsor outside groups.
13. All individuals using church facilities agree to abide by all church policies.
Using Church Property Off Premises
1. Tables, chairs and kitchen utensils may be used anywhere for functions sponsored by groups within the church.
2. Individual church members must contact the chairperson of Trustees one (1) month in advance for permission to borrow tables and/or chairs. Brown top tables are available to be borrowed. White top tables must remain on church premises.
3. Church property must be returned the same day that it was borrowed unless prior arrangements have been made with the Trustees.
4. The borrower of church property assumes responsibility for damages or loss incurred.
Members: Member tithes and offerings allow York United Presbyterian Church to offer use of church facilities free of charge to members and their personal use.
Non-Members: The rental fee for church-use facilities is $100. An additional $50 deposit is required but will be returned if facilities are returned to a “ready to use” condition.
For all non-church sponsored events, any business using the facilities must provide a certificate of liability insurance coverage in the amount of at least $1,000,000. The user will also complete a “Facility Use Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement”.
Not-For-Profit Organizations: Organizations with a 501( c ) (3) designation will be considered by the Session of York UP Church for a waiver of fee on a case-by-case basis.
Submitting Requests
Requests for facility use can be made to the church Administrative Assistant. Contact 585-243-1266 or email for request forms. Forms can be submitted electronically by clicking here or hard copy.
The church Administrative Assistant will review the calendar for conflicts and advise the requestor of conflicts.